Ära koba pimeduses

Mis on HTML5?

1996. aastast veebidisainerite üheks lemmikformaadiks olev Adobe Flash kaotab tasapisi oma positsiooni. Seetõttu on Eesti veebidisainerite huvi alternatiivsete formaatide, eelkõige HTML5 vastu viimasel ajal plahvatuslikult suurenenud.

Eelkõige on tähtis jälgida nii mahupiiranguid kui ka efektide mõistlikku kasutust. HTML5 vale kasutamine tingib tegelikkuses selle tagajärje, mille vastu brauserid paljuski Flashi blokeerimisega võidelda soovivad: kasutaja brauseri töö kergendamise asemel võib valesti koostatud HTML5 fail röövida hoopis rohkem arvutiressurssi.

HTML5 tugevused


HTML5 bännerid tuleb saata vähemalt 2 (kaks) täistööpäeva enne lähetuse esimest päeva. Kui reklaammaterjali esitamise tähtaega ei järgita, ei garanteeri Ekspress Meedia reklaammaterjali aktiveerimist. Hüvitist sel puhul ei anta.

Technical specifications for HTML5 creatives

Single Zip
Creative should be sent in a single zip file that contains the static HTML and all of the resources required (the creative should not include resources from 3rd party sites unless stated otherwise).

Creative weight (total file size) should not exceed the allowed weight limit of the placement.
Banner weight is calculated as unZIPed.
The core libraries of the more popular media creation tools should not be included in the zip and will not be counted towards the weight limit of the banner. For example Adobe Animate CC, Adobe Edge, Google Web Designer, Tumult Hype, etc.

Special effects should be used reasonably (respect user experience and hardware load).

Creative must work in all modern browsers (oldest supported browser are IE10, Chrome 20, Firefox 20)

If you want to use a 3rd party viewtracker, then send it with the creative. Don't inject trackers to the creative code.

With the number of different sreen size in the market growing rapidly we require the banners, we show on mobile devices, to be responsive. Please follow he below link for instructions on how to create responsive banners with most popular creation tools.
How to make a responsive HTML5 banner

All banners require https compliance. This means that the banner cannot make any requests to unsecure domains. All request must be to https.
How to make HTTPS compliant banners

Ekspress Meedia uses AdForm clicktag implementation.

Add the Adform.DHTML.js library to the head section of the banner:

document.write('<script src="'+ (window.API_URL || 'https://s1.adform.net/banners/scripts/rmb/Adform.DHTML.js?bv='+ Math.random()) +'"><\/script>');

That defines the dhtml variable that can be used as follows:

window.open(dhtml.getVar('clickTAG', 'http://www.example.com'), '_blank');
Where dhtml.getVar('clickTAG') will fetch the clickTAG URL and window.open will open that URL in a new window.
Note that 'http://www.example.com' is NOT the final destination URL but for local testing only.

» Detailed instructions on how to add clickTAG

Good Practices
For best user experience and page performance plese keep in mind the following best bractices:

Different ad creation tools

Below we have compiled a list of specification pages for most common tools that are used to create html5 banner ads.

Below we have compiled a list of different instructional pages for most common issues and their possible solutions.